Most understand that a safer workplace means fewer injuries and fewer days where the worker is unable to work. This leads to lower workers’ compensation claims, personal injury claims or other expenses. Therefore, many took notice when the National Safety Council published its findings regarding injuries to women in the workplace in 2017. While it was interesting reading, it is not good news for women workers.
Workplace assault much higher
The most troubling finding of the study was the fact that women suffered 70% of all non-fatal injuries from workplace assaults in the workplace. The total is 12,820 such events that year, which is a 60% rise from 2011. Men’s 30% means they suffered 5,530 non-fatal assault-related injuries.
Common reasons for injury
There were several common areas where women were injured more often:
- They made up 61% of repetitive motion injuries
- They made up 59% of non-fatal injuries accidently caused by someone else
- They made up 57% of injuries caused by falls from the same level
Areas of employment more dangerous for women
While such fields as construction, agriculture and manufacturing are traditionally thought to be hazardous, the numbers look different for women:
- Women made up 80% of illnesses or injuries in the healthcare industry
- Women made up 61% of illnesses or injuries in education
- Women made up 60% of illnesses or injuries in offices
A safe work environment for all
The NSC gives Georgia an overall workplace safety grade of F. The data is not broken down by gender, but this should not dissuade employers and employees from being more aware of workplace safety and measures they can take to improve the safety for both women and men. This can start by employers and employees identifying trouble spots and initiating more safety training.
Those injured should seek medical help immediately. It is also important to notify the employer or manager as soon as possible of the injury. Those with longterm injuries or illnesses will likely need to file worker’s compensation claims or personal injury suits to cover medical expenses, lost wages and other related expenses. The injured can file a workers comp claim themselves, but an attorney will enable this process to go more smoothly and provide legal help if the claim is disputed. Depending upon the injury, a worker may instead consider filing a personal injury claim to get the compensation they deserve.