How serious of a problem is distracted driving?

Motorists in Georgia and elsewhere often find themselves having a busy schedule. While this is fairly common these days, causing many to multi-task to get through the day, this does not mean that multi-tasking is safe in any setting. While driving, motorists must focus on the task at hand. Unfortunately, some drivers seek to make a phone call, check an email or send a text. While these might seem like simple and minor acts, they could easily be the cause of a serious and even fatal crash.

How serious of a problem is distracted driving? With regards to motor vehicle accidents in general, these are among the top two causes of injury death in a person’s lifetime. Car accidents are also the number one cause of work-related deaths. When looking at current data, since 1994, it was found that between 32,800 and 43,500 people have died.

Distracted driving has joined the ranks of drunk driving and speeding as the leading causes of car crashes. In 2010, it was found that an estimated 21 percent of all crashes occurring in 2010 involving a motorist talking on his o her phone. It was also found that cellphone use has dramatically grown over the past 15 years. This means that there is great chance of being involved in a distracted driver crash than previous years.

Following a car crash, it is important to establish cause and what steps could be taken to assert his or her rights. A distracted driver could be very dangerous on the roadways, causing serious injuries, damages and losses. Victims should explore a personal injury action what could help address the losses and damages suffered.

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