Fighting for Social Security disability benefits

Georgia residents work for many reasons. Some hold down jobs because they enjoy the challenges of their employment tasks. Others have occupations because they find personal fulfillment from doing something to the best of their abilities. Most people, though, work because they need to earn incomes so that they may pay their bills and may support their dependents and themselves.

Having to leave a job due to an illness or injury can be of great detriment to a person who needs the wages to make ends meet. While illnesses like common colds, and injuries like sprained joints may resolve quickly and may only require workers to take a day or two off of work to address, other illnesses and injuries can be so serious that they may force workers to take periods of indefinite leave from their jobs.

A person who cannot work, is generally a person who does not earn an income. Without an income some may lose their homes, may be unable to provide food for their families, or may be unable to make payments on their vehicles. The threat of no income may force them to face the loss of all that they worked so hard to build in their lives, and to seek financial support as they cope with their ailments.

For those who have worked jobs that qualify them for it, Social Security benefits may be available. The Social Security Administration offers a variety of benefits programs that provide disabled Americans with financial support to help them live with their ailments. At the law firm of Murphy & Garner, disabled individuals will find advocates for their rights to apply for and receive benefits support.

From completing applications to filing appeals the attorneys of Murphy & Garner have helped their Social Security disability clients every step of the way. To learn more about the Social Security disability benefits application process please visit our Social Security disability page.

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