During the Spring and Summertime in Georgia, biking is extremely popular for many individuals. During this time, more and more people tend to pull out their bikes. This means motorist need to be increasingly aware of sharing the road with pedestrians and cyclists.
In Georgia, the bicycle is legally a vehicle. This means that when riding a bike on the street, cyclists must follow Georgia’s general vehicular traffic laws and abide by biking requirements. However, for car drivers, bikes can be hard to see out of your mirrors. Motorists need to be cautious and on the lookout for cyclists sharing the road this summer.
All cyclists should wear properly fitted helmets. However, helmets are not required under Georgia law. Nevertheless, helmets are the single, most effective way to prevent a brain injury in an accident. When riding in the roadway, cyclists must also obey all traffic regulations, including signaling/signing when changing lanes or turning and following all lane markings.
Here are some other tips for sharing the road:
· When cycling in the street, cyclists must drive in the same direction as traffic.
· Motorists be courteous – allow three feet clearance before passing a cyclist on the road, and yield to cyclists at intersections.
· Motorists should be particular watchful for cyclists when making turns, either left or right.
· Cyclists should make sure they are visible by using lights and/or bright colored clothing.
Pedestrians must also share the road with motorists and cyclists. Though pedestrians should always use the sidewalk where one is available, if one is not, then you should walk facing traffic. Pedestrians should also:
· Be predictable.
· Follow the rules of the road and obey all signs and signals.
· Be alert at all times – try not to be distracted by electronic devices and cell phones.
· Cross streets at crosswalks and intersections. This is where motorists expect pedestrians. If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, try to find a well-lit area to cross. Make sure to constantly watch for traffic when crossing.
· Try to be visible at all times.
· Never assume a driver sees you.
· Be particularly watchful for cars entering or exiting driveways or backing-up in parking lots.
Whether you are driving, walking or riding your bike, always remember these basic safety tips when sharing Georgia’s roadways.
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