If you have ever driven a long distance, you probably know how sleepy it can make you. Driving while you are too tired is a common cause of auto accidents. If you are yawning frequently or nodding off while behind the wheel, it is important that you stop the car and take a break.
How do you know when you are getting too drowsy to drive? Below are a few of the warning signs:
· Difficulty focusing
· Constant yawning while driving
· Problems keeping your head held up
· Frequent blinking because your eyelids feel heavy
· Getting lost in daydreams
· Weaving in and out of your lane of traffic
· Incoherent thoughts
· Realizing you do not remember driving the last few miles
· Constant tailgating of the vehicle in front of you
· Failure to see traffic signs
The above are just a few examples of signs indicating you have been driving too long without taking a break. If you realize you are exhibiting these signs, you should immediately pull over in a safe area and rest. Even a thirty minute nap can help alleviate your drowsiness. Drinking caffeine, such as coffee or a soda, can provide a short-term solution, but you should not rely on caffeine to keep you awake or alert for long periods of time.
Most drivers who cause an accident because they dosed-off at the wheel are reluctant to admit it. Having an attorney who knows how to investigate these types of accidents is important. Call an experienced personal injury lawyer at Murphy & Garner in Bremen, Georgia. We offer free consultations and dedicated representation based on over 32 years of service to car accident victims in western Georgia and eastern Alabama.