What you should do after a Traffic Accident

If you have ever been involved in a traffic accident, you know how disorienting it can be. Most people thing they know how they will react, but when it is actually happening to you it can send you into a state of shock. Although your injuries may be apparent, it is essential to understand that many serious injuries take time to appear. In fact, when you are in shock or experiencing a rush of adrenaline, the pain can be masked. Many accident victims suffer significant injuries but do not feel the symptoms until hours to days after the wreck occurred.

Trauma to the head or brain is a common injury that can be delayed in manifesting itself. Most accident victims feel dizzy or disoriented after the collision first occurs, but it is possible for their brain to continue to swell as time passes and for the symptoms to worsen. Failure to seek medical treatment can result in serious harm.

Below are a few tips to keep in mind if you are involved in an accident:

· Even if you do not feel pain immediately after being hit, you should avoid stating to other parties that you are uninjured or that you are “fine.” In fact, you should not make any statements regarding the condition of your health until you have been checked by a physician or enough time has passed that you are sure you did not suffer any injuries. Any statements you make at the scene of the wreck could be used against you later, so it is better to say you are not sure how you feel than to claim you are not injured.

· Do not feel guilty if you experience delayed symptoms. You should not be embarrassed to seek medical attention if you discover your injuries are more serious than you initially thought. Just because time has passed does not mean that your pain is any less real or legitimate. As soon as you begin experiencing symptoms, you should report them and seek medical treatment.

· If you sustain a head injury in the accident, it is wise to have a medical check-up three to four days after the wreck. Head and brain injuries are very serious and it is better to be safe than sorry.

As soon as possible, you should confer with a personal injury attorney to discuss your injuries and how to recoup the compensation you deserve for your damages suffered. Call an experienced personal injury lawyer at Murphy & Garner in Bremen, Georgia. We offer free consultations and dedicated representation based on over 32 years of service to car accident victims in western Georgia and eastern Alabama.

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